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Interactive Installation|2022|Group Project|ESP32, Arduino, Physical Computing, Node-red

Chromasphere is an interactive installation/performance that centres around the relationship between augmented organisms and technological infrastructures. Here, we witness the “Gleam-Walker”, a two-footed organism with constrained physical mobility and sensory perception that makes attempts to navigate and understand its surrounding space. With the use of a single sensing input, it extracts chroma values from the visible light spectrum and telepathically communicates them to the techno-hive, an artificial mastermind that exists in a symbiotic relationship with the organism.

The sole purpose of the biological slave is to enliven the computational processes of the techno-hive, which in turn transmits vibrations that comfort and nurture the “Gleam-Walker”. Through its photonic pulsations, the techno-hive manages to further seduce its human-like organism, and bring them to a state of permanent hypnosis and independence paralysis.

Project Gallery

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